Android: fix long-press producing a right-click event.Fix a crash on selecting and cutting/copying in a new document.Fix aliasing of brush tips at small brush sizes.Fix paste outside of image boundaries.Fix handling creating an image from clipboard when the clipboard is empty.JPEG-XL: Improve compatibility with the currently experimental JPEG-XL support in Chrome.JPEG-XL: Work around linear profiles having an undefined transfer function.JPEG XL: Fix enabling HLG correction options.JPEG XL, HEIF: Fix saving OOTF removal if it’s enabled.JPEG-XL, HEIF: Fix clamping of normalized HDR values.JPEG-XL, HEIF: Fix import/export of HDR Alpha Channels.Fix using the Global Menu in the Plasma desktop when using distribution packages.A lot of other dependencies were updated as well.

Krita supports full color management through LCMS for ICC and OpenColor IO for EXR, allowing you to incorporate Krita into your existing color management pipeline.